
  • What Is Wordpad and How to Use?
    What Is Wordpad and How to Use?
    WordPad is a basic word processing application that is included with almost all versions of Microsoft Windows from 95 onwards. It is more advanced than Microsoft Notepad but simpler than Microsoft Works Word Processor and Microsoft Word. WordPad is typically used to view or edit text files, with a v...
  • Latest WordPad Update
    Latest WordPad Update
    You're reading that right. WordPad isn't just for writing letters anymore. With a few tweaks and additions, it can be used to create everything from simple presentations to fully formatted papers. It's also one of the most popular free word processors out there, so it's great for people who want to...
  • What's New In WordPad Version 7?
    What's New In WordPad Version 7?
    If you're looking for a quick tour of what's new in WordPad version 7, here's a quick overview of some of the main features. The first thing you'll notice is that the app's layout has changed. Now, instead of a drop-down menu to choose between the different pages, you get a simple page header and fo...